What are Maccaruni and sagna ‘ncannulata?
The so-called maccaruni or cavatelli are , as orecchiette , the most popular kind of pasta in Salento. In each cities of South Apulia the maccaruni have differents names : minchiarieddhi, minchiareddhi, pizzarieddhi, curti end cruessi….the lasagne ritorte (sagne torte, sagne ncannulate) are made manually turned around themself.
In A Locanda Tu Marchese, we prepare maccaruni and lasagne ‘ncannulate. The maccaruni mixed with orecchiette are called maritati and at A Locanda we made “alla contadina” with vegetables and tomatoes sauce: all products are km0 and respect the seasonality. We made the sagne ‘ncannulate with little meat balls and tomatoes sauces.
Do you want to learn how to made these kind of pasta with us at Locanda? We organize homemade pasta workshop.
If the lasagna is the oldest kind of pasta, already eaten in Roman times, maccaruni are the most important. In the recipe wrote in the manual of Master Martino (Libro de Arte coquinaria), he called this kind of pasta like sicillian maccaruni; and it’s the first time that the term maccherone is used to indicate a short pasta perforated: “Piglia de la farina bellissima, et impastala con bianco d’ovo et con acqua rosa ovvero con acqua communa…et fa questa pasta ben dura; da poi fanne pastoncelli lunghi un palmo et sottili quanto una pagliuca. Et togli il filo di ferro longo un palmo, o più, et sottile quanto uno spago et ponilo sopra l’ ditto pastoncello, et dagli una volta con tutte doi le mani sopra una tavola; da poi caccia fore il ferro et ristira il maccherone pertusato in mezzo.”
In Salento, today and in the past, we use to make these kind of pasta with mixed flours: barley flour and durum weat flour.
Making maccaruni isn’t easy, and you need to use a particular rudimentary and functional tool, the so-called “caatùru” , a thin iron rod with a quadrangular section long 30 cm.
The ingredients are: durum wheat flour and water . Mix these ingredients and obtain a smooth, homogeneous and malleable pasta. After making a cord, cut it into little pieces large ½ cm and long 2-4 cm. Then press the iron on each piece and roll it. To make sagne ‘ncannulate instead, roll out a sheet of the same dough and cut it in piece large 1 and half cm. Then with left hand fingers block one part of each piece and with palm of other hand roll the pasta . It’s not easy to explain how to make these kind of pasta , but see and do them is more simple.
So came to our Locanda and learn with us! Call us to have our pasta workshop days and timetable.
Info & booking table and workshop
street G.B Del Tufo 38, Matino(Lecce)
phone: 0833507562 oppure 338441813 (anche Whatsapp)
e-mail: info@lalocandatumarchese.com