Nardò e le marine Porto selvaggio e Santa Caterina

Sei alla ricerca di un'itinerario unico e non affollato in Salento? Hai mai sentito parlare delle calette e bagni nascosti a Santa Caterina o della meravigliosa Porto Selvaggio? Scopri posti nuovo in salento!

Ugento and his history

Many scholars who have written about the origins of Ugento never agreed on the period of its foundation, and have supported various and conflicting hypotheses; however, and on this there is unanimity of consensus, its origin is lost in the mists of time. An evident proof is given by the archaeological finds of prehistoric origin found in the area, including the Menhirs of which we can , still today,  admire two examples set on the periphery of Gemini and on Terenzano masseria. Around 1500-1000 BC the Messapi settled in the area; indelible marks of this settlement are the important walls whose perimeter was about 4900 km with an urban area of about 150 hectares; their thickness ,still visible today in some points, measured approximately between 6 and 8 meters and were constructed using large squared blocks. In this period the town was great, prosperous and powerful, and  had its own mint. During the Roman Empire, Ugento entered the great expansionist design of Rome,and became a Roman ally. The outbreak of hostilities between Rome and Carthage let the Messapian towns to form an alliace with Hannibal hoping to regain independence and ancient autonomy.

Visit Acquarica Del Capo

Acquarica del Capo is a small town in the area of Santa Maria di Leuca, from which it is 15km away and is located 8km from the Ionian coast (the closest beaches are those of Torre Mozza and Lido Marini), and about 15km from the coast. adriatica (nearest sea on the east side, marina di Novaglie). "A locanda Tù Marchese" in Matino is 23km away. The civic emblem of Acquarica Del Capo is a golden fountain from which a long gush of water rises, probably it was a symbol representing the aboundance of water in the territory.


Alliste e Felline are very beautiful cities, discovery with what you schould visit by bike or on walking...


Lecce is perfect for walks with your children in the historical centre or to ride on bike during the night, among pompeian palaces. From “A Locanda Tù Marchese” , a historical residence with rooms and a typical salentine restaurant on terrace, Lecce is far about 46 km, you could travel to Matino by car or on bus.


A Locanda Tu Marchese is near Presicce, a very beautiful historical centre in Apulia...


In the past Gallipoli and Matino too, was very famous in the word for lamp oil production. In our Locanda we organize a bike or walking hikes, and cooking workshop and tastings.
